A friend of mine, and a local Ukiahian (lives on a nearby hilltop
and also grows grapes), Larry Rosen, recently wrote a book on open source
Larry is well-known in open source communities. He is the author of the Academic
Free License, both 1 and 2 and is also very active in OSI (Open Source
The book is called Open Source Licensing, Software Freedom and
Intellectual Propertly Law, by Lawrence Rosen. You can easily
locate it on Amazon.com or elsewhere.
Over the last few years,
Larry and I have had many discussions about the current state
of open source, software licensing in general, and also about REBOL's
future related to that topic.
I highly recommend this book and hope to be saying more about it on
the main website soon. If that sounds like a shameless plug (promotion) for
a friend... well, it is.