What's the status of REBOL/View development?
An anonymous user contacted me today to ask about the status of
REBOL/View. That is a good question, and it is worthy of a blog topic.
To put the answer in a few words as possible, REBOL/View is waiting
for the completion of a number of substantial improvements in REBOL.
Until these tasks are complete, the only new versions of REBOL/View will
be the alpha and beta releases found here on the REBOL.net web site.
- Stablized 2.6.0 Core (with asynchronus networking changes)
- Improved scalable vector graphics (SVG) using the AGG library
- Finalization and testing of new IMAGE! datatype modifications
- Improvements to VID (visual interface dialect), including styles,
requestors, and event handling.
- Fixes to new font rendering problems caused by Windows XP
- Entirely new installer and default sandbox location
- Automatic updates for the desktop (and more, see /Platform below)
- REBOL/Services as a built-in part of REBOL - to be used for
accessing and updating the World Wide Reb content that is
seen in the View desktop.
- And finally, but most importantly, REBOL/Platform - which is how
REBOL/View will be distributed and updated in future versions. In a
nutshell, /Platform contains many of the other features that have been
discussed in recent months (Plugin, REBin, indexed files, etc.) and provides a
better way to manage REBOL/View. In addition, /Platform allows many
standart parts of /View to be released as open source, giving the REBOL
community the ability to make improvements to /View, which will remain a
free product.
I should point out that just because /View will be released using
/Platform does not imply that /Platform is free. It is more like
building and releasing /View from the REBOL/SDK. It just makes the
process more dynamic and timely.
If I missed any important points or features for /View, please let
me know. I will update this blog entry to discuss them.
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