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Copy and Checksum Large Files
Last week I wrote a short example of how to use checksum ports, and last year I gave an example of how to use the /seek refinement to deal with large files. The code below combines these two concepts in a function that copies a file, even if the file is larger than memory (e.g. MPG, MP3, WAV). It will also compute and return the checksum of the file's data. This is a robust "commercial quality" file copy function that you can use in your applications. If you find a bug, please let me know and I will correct it here. REBOL [ Title: "Copy File with Optional Checksum" Author: "Carl Sassenrath" License: 'MIT ] copy-file: func [ "Copy a file. Return WORD for failure or return optional checksum." from [file!] dest [file!] /sum "checksum the data" /local data path ff ; from file port tf ; to file port ][ path: split-path dest foreach [block err-word] [ [make-dir/deep path/1] dir-failed [ff: open/binary/read/seek from] read-failed [tf: open/binary/write dest] write-failed [if sum [sum: open [scheme: 'checksum]]] sum-failed [ while [not tail? ff] [ print index? ff data: copy/part ff 100000 insert tail tf data if sum [insert sum data] ff: skip ff length? data ] ;print index? ff ] copy-failed ][ if error? try block [ if port? sum [close sum] if tf [close tf] if ff [close ff] return err-word ] ] data: none if sum [ update sum data: copy sum close sum ] close tf close ff data ; checksum value or none ] print copy-file/sum %movie.mpg %movie2.mpg ask "done" Notes:
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Updated 14-Nov-2024 - Copyright Carl Sassenrath - WWW.REBOL.COM - Edit - Blogger Source Code |