Chapter 14 - Ports
REBOL/Core Users Guide Main Table of Contents Send Us Feedback
1. Overview
2. Opening a Port
2.1 The Open Function
2.2 Open Refinements
3. Closing a Port
4. Reading from a Port
5. Writing to a Port
6. Updating a Port
7. Waiting for a Port
8. Other Port Modes
8.1 Line Mode
8.2 Read and Write Only
8.3 Direct Port Access
8.4 Skipping Data
9. File Permissions
10. Directory Ports
1. Overview
Ports access external series such as files, networks,
consoles, events, databases, data encoders, and data decoders. Port data is
processed using the standard REBOL series functions as described in the Series
Ports are used for both input and output. The type of data a port handles
depends on how the port is opened. Three types of data are possible:
| String | a series of bytes, converts line breaks (default)
| Binary | a series of bytes, no conversion of the data
| Block | a series of REBOL values
A port can be opened in one of two buffering modes:
| Buffered | all of the data is held in memory (default)
| Direct | data is not held in memory
In addition, a port can be opened with:
| Wait | port will wait for data (default)
| No-wait | port will not wait for data
2. Opening a Port
2.1 The Open Function
The open function initializes access to a port according to
specified parameters. The function can be supplied with a
filename, a URL, or an object. In addition, there are several
refinements that will affect the open operation or the access to
the port's data.
The simplest method of using open is to provide it with a
filename or URL as its argument. In the example below, a file port is
fp: open %file.txt
The fp variable refers to the port. If the port did not open, an
error will occur. If necessary, the error can be caught with the
try function.
By default the file is opened as buffered. This
means that the file is accessed and modified in memory and changes to the file
are not written out until the port is closed or updated.
For files, the open function will automatically create the
file if it does not already exist.
close open %somefile.txt
if exists? %somefile.txt [print "somefile exists"]
somefile exists
The /new refinement can be used to overwrite an existing
write %somefile.txt "text in some file"
print read %somefile.txt
text in some file
close insert open/new %somefile.txt "new data"
print read %somefile.txt
new data
Once a port is open, the series
operations such as copy, insert, remove, clear,
first, next, and length? can be used to access and
change the contents the port.
2.2 Open Refinements
The open function accepts a number of refinements that can be used to modify
its operation:
| /binary | port data is binary
| /string | port data is text, translate all line terminators
| /with | specify an alternate line termination
| /lines | handle data a line at a time or as a block of lines
| /direct | do not buffer the port
| /new | create or recreate the target of the port
| /read | open for read only operation
| /write | open for write only operation
| /no-wait | do not wait for data
| /skip | skip part of the data
| /allow | specify protection attributes of files
| /custom | allow special refinements
3. Closing a Port
Access to a port is terminated with the close function. All
buffered data that has not been saved will be written to the target file. The
example below will close a port opened earlier:
close fp
If you attempt to close a port that is not open, an error will occur.
A port that is closed can be reopened again with the open
open fp
4. Reading from a Port
The series copy function is used to read data from an open
print copy fp
I wanted the gold, and I sought it,I scrabbled and mucked like
a slave....
This function will wait for the port data. If you don't want to wait for the
data, open the port with the /no-wait refinement.
To read only a portion of the port data, use copy/part:
print copy/part fp 35
I wanted the gold, and I sought it,
Note that the second argument to copy can be a length or a position within
the port.
You can use the series find and copy
functions to read just part of the port's data:
a: find fp "famine"
print copy/part a find a newline
famine or scurvy -- I fought it;
The first, next, and other positional series functions can also be used on
the port:
print first fp
print first next next fp
The copy function will return none when all data have been
read from a port. When running in /no-wait mode, the copy
function will return an empty string if no data is available for
the port.
tp: open/direct/binary/no-wait tcp://system:8000
content: make binary! 1000
while [wait tp data: copy tp] [append content data]
close tp
5. Writing to a Port
The insert function is used to write to a port.
insert fp "I was a fool to seek it."
If the port is buffered, the change will occur externally when the port is
closed or updated (with the update function). If the port is
opened with /direct, then the change will occur
All of the insert refinements can be used on the port. For
example, to write 20 spaces into a port:
insert/dup fp " " 20
You can also use the remove, clear, change, append,
replace, and other series modifying functions on the port.
For example, to remove a single character or a number of characters:
remove fp
remove/part fp 20
and to remove all remaining characters, write:
clear fp
6. Updating a Port
The update function forces a port to update its status with
respect to the external device. For example, when writing a buffered file, the
update function can be used to force the data buffer out to the
file. When reading, the update function can be used to be
certain that any pending data has been read into memory.
update fp
7. Waiting for a Port
The wait function is essential to programs that need to
handle asynchronous data transfers. With wait, you can wait
for data on one or more ports, or for a timeout to occur.
The wait function will accept a single port:
wait port
or, an entire block of ports can be provided:
wait [port1 port2 port3]
In addition, a timeout value can be provided as a number of seconds or as a
time value:
wait [port1 port2 10]
wait [port1 port2 0:00:05]
The first example will time out in ten seconds. The second example will
timeout in five seconds.
The wait function will return the port that is ready or
none if the timeout occurred.
ready: wait [port1 port2 10]
if ready [data: copy ready]
The above example will read data from the first ready port if a timeout did
not occur.
To obtain a block of all ports that are ready, use the /all refinement.
ready: wait/all [port1 port2 10]
if ready [
foreach port ready [
append data copy port
This example would append data from all ready ports into a single series.
You can also use the dispatch function to evaluate a block
or function based on the results of a wait on multiple
dispatch [
port1 [print "port1 awake"]
port2 [print "port2 awake"]
10 [print "timeout!"]
Use /No-wait and /Direct
To use wait with most ports, you will need to specify the
/no-wait and /direct refinements as part of the open. This
indicates that the normal data access functions should not block
and that data is not buffered.
port1: open/no-wait/direct tcp://system:8000
8. Other Port Modes
8.1 Line Mode
The open function allows ports to be opened for line access.
In line mode, the first function will return a line of text,
rather than a character. The example below reads a file one line
at a time:
fp: open/lines %file.txt
print first fp
I wanted the gold, and I got it --
print third fp
Yet somehow life's not what I thought it,
The /lines refinement is also useful for Internet protocols that are line
tp: open/lines tcp://server:8000
print first tp
8.2 Read and Write Only
You can use the /read refinement to open a port as read only:
fp: open/read %file.txt
Changes made to the port's buffer, are not written back to the file.
To open for write only, use the /write refinement:
fp: open/write %file.txt
File ports opened with the /write refinement will not read
the current data upon opening the port.
Closing, or updating a write only file port will cause existing data in the
file to be overwritten:
insert fp "This is the law of the Yukon..."
close fp
print read %file.txt
This is the law of the Yukon...
8.3 Direct Port Access
The /direct refinement opens an unbuffered port. This is
useful to access files a portion at a time, such as when a file is too large to
be held in memory.
fp: open/direct %file.txt
Reading the data with a copy function will move the port's
head forward:
print copy/part fp 40
I wanted the gold, and I sought it,^/ I
print copy/part fp 40
scrabbled and mucked like a slave.^/Was i
In direct mode, the port will always be at its head position:
print head? fp
The copy function will return none when the port
has reached its end.
Here is an example that uses direct ports to copy a file of any size:
from-port: open/direct %a-file.jpg
to-port: open/direct %a-file.jpg
while [data: copy/part from-port 100000 ][
append to-port data
close from-port
close to-port
8.4 Skipping Data
There are two ways to skip data that exists in a port. First, you can open
the port with the /skip refinement. This open
function will automatically skip to a point in the port. For example:
fp: open/direct/skip %file.big 1000000
fp: open/skip 100000
You can also use the skip function on the port. For files
that are opened with /direct and /binary the
skip operation is identical to a file system seek operation. Data is not read
into memory. This is not possible in /string mode because the
line breaks interfere with the skip size.
fp: open/direct/binary %file.dat
fp: skip fp 100000
9. File Permissions
When files are created by REBOL, default access permissions are set. On
Windows and Macintosh systems files are created with full access privileges. On
UNIX systems files are created with the permissions set to the current umask
When using open or write to access a file
the /allow refinement is used to set file access
The /allow refinement takes a block as an argument. This
block can consist of any or all of the three words read,
write and execute.
Operating System Restrictions
The /allow refinement will only set permissions on operating
systems supporting the specified permission setting. If the
operating system does not support a permission setting used, the
setting will be ignored. For instance, files on UNIX systems may
be set as executable ( execute ), but the Windows and
Macintosh operating systems don't support this. When dealing
with UNIX systems, permissions set using /allow will only set
the user permissions. Using / allow will cause all access
permissions to be removed for users and others.
To make a file read only, use open/allow, or
write/allow with a read block.
write/allow %file.txt [read]
To make a file readable and executable:
open/allow %file.txt [read execute]
You can set similar permissions for write access:
write/allow %file.txt [read write]
To prevent any access to a file (for operating systems where this would make
a difference) provide an empty permissions block:
write/allow %file.txt []
To permit full access:
write/allow %file [read write execute]
10. Directory Ports
Directory ports allow you to open direct access to file directories. Within
the system, this is how most other directory functions are created.
When you open a directory, you gain direct access to the directory as a block
of filenames:
mydir: open %intro/
forall mydir [print first mydir]
close mydir
You can advance to a specific position within a directory series and remove a
file with code such as:
dir: open %.
remove next dir
close dir
This deletes the second file in the current directory. Similarly,
remove at dir 5
would delete the fifth file in the directory, and:
clear dir
would delete all of the files in the directory.
To delete all files that contain with the word "junk", you can write:
dir: open %intro/
while [not tail? dir] [
either find first dir "junk" [remove dir][
dir: next dir
close dir
The changes made to a directory are made when the directory is closed or when
it is updated. To force the action to occur immediately use a line such as:
update dir
The method of directory access can also be used for changing the names of
files. After the open, the line:
change at dir 3 %newname.txt
will rename the third file in the directory. Similarly, the names of any of
the files in the directory can be changed.
Here is an example that renames all of the files in a directory by adding the
word REBOL to their names:
dir: open %intro/
forall dir [insert first dir "REBOL"]
close dir