Chapter 15 - Parsing
REBOL/Core Users Guide Main Table of Contents Send Us Feedback
1. Overview
2. Simple Splitting
3. Grammar Rules
4. Skipping Input
5. Match Types
6. Recursive Rules
7. Evaluation
7.1 Return Value
7.2 Expressions in Rules
7.3 Copying the Input
7.4 Marking the Input
7.5 Modifying the String
7.6 Using Objects
7.7 Debugging
8. Dealing with Spaces
9. Parsing Blocks and Dialects
9.1 Matching Words
9.2 Matching Datatypes
9.3 Characters Not Allowed
9.4 Dialect Examples
9.5 Parsing Sub-blocks
10. Summary of Parse Operations
10.1 General Forms
10.2 Specifying Quantity
10.3 Skipping Values
10.4 Getting Values
10.5 Using Words
10.6 Value Matches (block parsing only)
10.7 Datatype Words
1. Overview
Parsing splits a sequence of characters or values into smaller
parts. It can be used for recognizing characters or values that
occur in a specific order. In addition to providing a powerful,
readable, and maintainable approach to regular expression
pattern matching, parsing enables you to create your own custom
languages for specific purposes.
The parse function has the general form:
parse series rules
The series argument is the input that is parsed and can be a string
or a block. If the argument is a string, it is parsed by character. If the
argument is a block, it is parsed by value.
The rules argument specifies how the series argument is
parsed. The rules argument can be a string for simple types of parsing
or a block for sophisticated parsing.
The parse function also accepts two refinements: /all and
/case. The /all refinement parses all the characters
within a string, including all delimiters, such as space, tab,
newline, comma, and semicolon. The /case refinement parses a
string based on case. When /case is not specified, upper and
lower cases are treated the same.
2. Simple Splitting
A simple form of parse is for splitting strings:
parse string none
The parse function splits the input argument, string,
into a block of multiple strings, breaking each string wherever
it encounters a delimiter, such as a space, tab, newline, comma,
or semicolon. The none argument indicates that no other
delimiters other than these. For example:
probe parse "The trip will take 21 days" none
["The" "trip" "will" "take" "21" "days"]
probe parse "here there,everywhere; ok" none
["here" "there" "everywhere" "ok"]
In the example above, notice that the commas and semicolons have been removed
from the resulting strings.
You can specify your own delimiters in the second argument to parse.
For example, the following code parses a telephone number with dash
(-) delimiters:
probe parse "707-467-8000" "-"
["707" "467" "8000"]
The next example uses equal (=) and double quote (") as the
probe parse <IMG SRC="test.gif" WIDTH="123"> {="}
["IMG" "SRC" "test.gif" "WIDTH" "123"]
The next example parses a string based on commas only; any other delimiters
are ignored. Consequently, the spaces within the strings are not removed:
Normally when you parse strings, any whitespace (space, tab, lines) are
automatically processed as delimiters. To avoid that action, you can use
the /any refinement. Compare these two examples:
parse "Test This" ""
["Test" "This"]
parse/all "Test This" ""
["Test This"]
In the second, you can see that the space was not treated as a delimiter.
Here is another example:
probe parse/all "Harry, 1011 Main St., Ukiah" ","
["Harry" " 1011 Main St." " Ukiah"]
You can also parse strings that contain null characters as separators
(such as certain types of data files):
parse/all nulled-string "^(null)"
3. Grammar Rules
The parse function accepts grammar rules that are written in
a dialect of REBOL. Dialects are sub-languages of REBOL that use
the same lexical form for all datatypes, but allow a different ordering of the
values within a block. Within this dialect the grammar and vocabulary of REBOL
is altered to make it similar in structure to the well known BNF (Backus-Naur
Form) which is commonly used to specify language grammars, network protocols,
header formats, etc.
To define rules, use a block to specify the sequence of the inputs. For
instance, if you want to parse a string and return the characters "the
phone", you can use a rule:
parse string ["the phone"]
To allow any number of spaces or no spaces between the words, write the rule
like this:
parse string ["the" "phone"]
You can indicate alternate rules with a vertical bar (|). For example:
["the" "phone" | "a" "radio"]
accepts strings that match any of the following:
the phone
a radio
A rule can contain blocks that are treated as sub-rules. The following
[ ["a" | "the"] ["phone" | "radio"] ]
accepts strings that match any of the following:
a phone
a radio
the phone
the radio
For increased readability, write the sub-rules as a separate block and give
them a name to help indicate their purpose:
article: ["a" | "the"]
device: ["phone" | "radio"]
parse string [article device]
In addition to matching a single instance of a string, you can provide a
count or a range that repeats the match. The following example provides a
[3 "a" 2 "b"]
which accepts strings that match:
The next example provides a range:
[1 3 "a" "b"]
which accepts strings that match any of the following:
ab aab aaab
The starting point of a range can be zero, meaning that it is optional.
[0 3 "a" "b"]
accepts strings that match any of the following:
b ab aab aaab
Use some to specify that one or more characters are matched.
Use any to specify that zero or more characters are matched.
For example, some used in the following line:
[some "a" "b"]
accepts strings that contain one or more characters a and b:
ab aab aaab aaaab
The next example uses any:
[any "a" "b"]
which accepts strings that contain zero or more characters a or
b ab aab aaab aaaab
The words some and any can also be used on
blocks. For example:
[some ["a" | "b"]]
accepts strings that contain any combination of the characters a and
Another way to express that a character is optional is to provide an
alternate choice of none:
["a" | "b" | none]
This example accepts strings that contain a or b or
The none is useful for specifying optional patterns or for catching
error cases when no pattern matches.
4. Skipping Input
The skip, to, and thru
words allow input to be skipped.
Use skip to skip a single character, or use it with a
repeat to skip over multiple characters:
["a" skip "b"]
["a" 10 skip "b"]
["a" 1 10 skip]
To skip until a specific character is found, use to:
["a" to "b"]
The previous example starts parsing at a and ends at b but
does not include b.
To include the ending character, use thru:
["a" thru "b"]
The previous example starts parsing at a, ends at b, and
includes b.
The following rule finds the title of an HTML page and prints it:
page: read
parse page [thru <title> copy text to </title>]
print text
REBOL Technologies
The first thru finds the title tag and goes immediately past
it. Next, the input string is copied into a variable called text until
the ending tag is found (but it doesn't go past it, or the text would include
the tag).
5. Match Types
When parsing strings, these datatypes and words can be used to match
characters in the input string:
Match Type
match the entire string
match a single character
match a tag string
match to the end of the input
match any specified char in the set
To use all of these words (except bitset, which is explained below) in a
single rule, use:
[<B> ["excellent" | "incredible"] #"!" </B> end]
This example parses the input strings:
The end specifies that nothing follows in the input stream.
The entire input has been parsed. It is optional depending on whether the
parse function's return value is to be checked. Refer to the Evaluation
section below for more information.
The bitset datatype deserves more explanation. Bitsets are
used to specify collections of characters in an efficient manner. The
charset function enables you to specify individual characters
or ranges of characters. For example, the line:
digit: charset "0123456789"
defines a character set that contains digits. This allows rules like:
[3 digit "-" 3 digit "-" 4 digit]
which can parse phone numbers of the form:
To accept any number of digits, it is common to write the rule:
digits: [some digit]
A character set can also specify ranges of characters. For instance, the
digit character set could have be written as:
digit: charset [#"0" - #"9"]
Alternatively, you can combine specific characters and ranges of
the-set: charset ["+-." #"0" - #"9"]
To expand on this, here is the alphanumeric set of characters:
alphanum: charset [#"0" - #"9" #"A" - #"Z" #"a" - #"z"]
Character sets can also be modified with the insert and
remove functions, or combinations of sets can be created with
the union and intersect functions. This line
copies the digit character set and adds a dot to it:
digit-dot: insert copy digit "."
The following lines define useful character sets for parsing:
digit: charset [#"0" - #"9"]
alpha: charset [#"A" - #"Z" #"a" - #"z"]
alphanum: union alpha digit
6. Recursive Rules
Here is an example of rule set that parses mathematical expressions and gives
a precedence (a priority) to the math operators used:
expr: [term ["+" | "-"] expr | term]
term: [factor ["*" | "/"] term | factor]
factor: [primary "**" factor | primary]
primary: [some digit | "(" expr ")"]
digit: charset "0123456789"
Now we can parse many types of math expressions. The following examples
return true, indicating that the expressions were valid:
probe parse "1 + 2 * ( 3 - 2 ) / 4" expr
probe parse "4/5+3**2-(5*6+1)" expr
Notice in the examples that some of the rules refer to themselves. For
instance, the expr rule includes expr. This is a useful
technique for defining repeating sequences and combinations. The rule is
recursive --it refers to itself.
When using recursive rules, care is required to prevent endless recursion.
For instance:
expr: [expr ["+" | "-"] term]
creates an infinite loop because the first thing expr does is use
expr again.
7. Evaluation
Normally, you parse a string to produce some result. You want to do more than
just verify that the string is valid, you want to do something as it is parsed.
For instance, you may want to pick out substrings from various parts of the
string, create blocks of related values, or compute a value.
7.1 Return Value
The examples in previous chapters showed how to parse strings, but no results
were produced. This is only done to verify that a string has the specified
grammar; the value returned from parse indicates its success.
The following examples show this:
probe parse "a b c" ["a" "b" "c"]
probe parse "a b" ["a" "c"]
The parse function returns true only if it reaches
the end of the input string. An unsuccessful match stops the parse of the
series. If parse runs out of values to search for before
reaching the end of the series, it does not traverse the series and returns
false :
probe parse "a b c d" ["a" "b" "c"]
probe parse "a b c d" [to "b" thru "d"]
probe parse "a b c d" [to "b" to end]
7.2 Expressions in Rules
Within a rule, you can include a REBOL expression to be evaluated when
parse reaches that point in the rule. Parentheses are used to
indicate such expressions:
string: "there is a phone in this sentence"
probe parse string [
to "a"
to "phone" (print "found phone")
to end
found phone
The example above parses the string a phone and prints the message
found phone after the match is complete. If the strings a or
phone are missing and the parse can not be done, the expression is not
Expressions can appear anywhere within a rule, and multiple expressions can
occur in different parts of a rule. For instance, the following code prints
different strings depending on what inputs were found:
parse string [
"a" | "the"
to "phone" (print "answer") |
to "radio" (print "listen") |
to "tv" (print "watch")
string: "there is the radio on the shelf"
parse string [
"a" | "the"
to "phone" (print "answer") |
to "radio" (print "listen") |
to "tv" (print "watch")
Here is an example that counts the number of times the HTML pre-format tag
appears in a text string:
count: 0
page: read
parse page [any [thru <pre> (count: count + 1)]]
print count
7.3 Copying the Input
The most common action done with parse is to pick up parts
of the string being parsed. This is done with copy, and it is
followed by the name of a variable to which you want to copy the string. The
following example parses the title of a web page:
parse page [thru <title> copy text to </title>]
print text
REBOL/Core Dictionary
The example works by skipping over text until it finds the
<title> tag. That's where it starts making a copy of the input
stream and setting a variable called text to hold it. The copy
operation continues until the closing <title> tag is found.
The copy action also can be used with entire rule blocks. For instance, for
the rule:
[copy heading ["H" ["1" | "2" | "3"]]
the heading string contains the entire H1, H2, or
H3 string. This also works for large multi-block rules.
7.4 Marking the Input
The copy action makes a copy of the substring that it finds,
but that is not always desirable. In some cases, it is better to save the
current position of the input stream in a variable.
NOTE: The copy word as used in parse is different from the
copy function used in REBOL expressions. Parse uses a dialect
of REBOL, and copy has a different meaning within that
In the following example, the begin variable holds a reference to
the page input string just after <title>. The
ending refers to the page string just before
. These variables can be used in the same way as they
would be used with any other series.
parse page [
thru <title> begin: to </title> ending:
(change/part begin "Word Reference Guide" ending)
You can see the above parse expression actually changed the contents of the
parse page [thru <title> copy text to </title>]
print text
Word Reference Guide
Here is another example that marks the position of every table tag in an HTML
page: read
tables: make block! 20
parse page [
any [to "<table" mark: thru ">"
(append tables index? mark)
The tables block now contains the position of every tag:
foreach table tables [
print ["table found at index:" table]
table found at index: 836
table found at index: 2076
table found at index: 3747
table found at index: 3815
table found at index: 4027
table found at index: 4415
table found at index: 6050
table found at index: 6556
table found at index: 7229
table found at index: 8268
NOTE: The current position in the input string can also be
modified. The next section explains how this is done.
7.5 Modifying the String
Now that you know how to obtain the position of the input series, you also
can use other series functions on it, including insert,
remove, and change. To write a script that
replaces all question marks (?) with exclamation marks (!), write:
str: "Where is the turkey? Have you seen the turkey?"
parse str [some [to "?" mark: (change mark "!") skip]]
print str
Where is the turkey! Have you seen the turkey!
The skip at the tail advances the input over the new
character, which is not necessary in this case, but it is a good practice.
As another example, to insert the current time everywhere the word
time appears in some text, write:
str: "at this time, I'd like to see the time change"
parse str [
some [to "time"
(remove/part mark 4 mark: insert mark now/time)
print str
at this 14:42:12, I'd like to see the 14:42:12 change
Notice the :mark word used above. It sets the input to a new
position. The insert function returns the new position just
past the insert of the current time. The word :mark is used to set the
input to that position.
7.6 Using Objects
When parsing large grammar from a set of rules, variables are used to make
the grammar more readable. However, the variables are global and may become
confused with other variables that have the same name somewhere else in the
The solution to this problem is to use an object to make all the rule words
local to a context. For instance:
tag-parser: make object! [
tags: make block! 100
text: make string! 8000
html-code: [
copy tag ["<" thru ">"] (append tags tag) |
copy txt to "<" (append text txt)
parse-tags: func [site [url!]] [
clear tags clear text
parse read site [to "<" some html-code]
foreach tag tags [print tag]
print text
7.7 Debugging
As rules are written, there are times debugging is needed. Specifically, you
may want to know how far you got in the parsing of a rule.
The trace function can be used to watch the parse operation
progress, but this can output thousands of lines that are difficult to
A better way is to insert debugging expressions into the parse rules. As an
example, to debug the rule:
[to "<IMG" "SRC" "=" filename ">"]
insert a the print function after key sections to monitor
your progress through the rule:
[to "<IMG" (print 1) "SRC" "=" (print 2)
filename (print 3) ">"]
This example prints 1, 2, and 3 as the rule is
Another approach is to print out part of the input string as the parse
to "<IMG" here: (print here)
"SRC" "=" here: (print here)
filename here: (print here) ">"
If this is done often, you can create a rule for it:
here: [where: (print where)]
to "<IMG" here
"SRC" "=" here
filename here ">"
The copy function can also be used to indicate what
substrings were parsed as the rule was handled.
8. Dealing with Spaces
The parse function normally ignores all intervening
whitespace between patterns that it scans. For instance, the rule:
["a" "b" "c"]
returns strings that match:
a bc
ab c
a b c
a b c
and other similarly spaced combinations.
To enforce a specific spacing convention, use parse with the
/all refinement. In the preceeding example, this refinement
causes parse to only match the first case (abc).
parse/all "abc" ["a" "b" "c"]
Specifying the / all refinement forces every character in
the input stream to be dealt with, including the default delimiters, such as
space, tab, newline.
To handle spaces in your rules, create a character set that specifies the
valid space characters:
spacer: charset reduce [tab newline #" "]
If you want a single space character between each letter write:
["a" spacer "b" spacer "c"]
To allow multiple space characters, write:
spaces: [some spacer]
["a" spaces "b" spaces "c"]
For more sophisticated grammars, create a character set that lets you scan a
string up to a space character.
non-space: complement spacer
to-space: [some non-space | end]
words: make block! 20
parse/all text [
some [copy word to-space (append words word) spacer]
The preceding example builds a block of all of its words. The
complement function inverts the character set. Now it contains
everything except the spacing characters you defined earlier.
The non-space character set contains all characters except space
characters. The to-space rule accepts one or more characters up to a
space character or the end of the input stream. The main rule expects to begin
with a word, copy that word up to a space, then skip the space character and
begin the next word.
9. Parsing Blocks and Dialects
Blocks are parsed similar to strings. A set of rules specify the order of
expected values. However, unlike the parsing of strings, the parsing of blocks
is not concerned with characters or delimiters. Parsing of blocks is done at the
value level, making the grammar rules easier to specify and operation many times
Block parsing is the easiest way to create REBOL dialects.
Dialects are sub-languages of REBOL that use the same lexical form for all data
types but allow a different ordering of the values within a block. The values do
not need to conform to the normal order required by REBOL function arguments.
Dialects are able to provide greater expressive power for specific domains of
use. For instance, the parser rules themselves are specified as a dialect.
9.1 Matching Words
When parsing a block, to match against a word specify the word as a
9.2 Matching Datatypes
You can match a value of any datatype by specifying the data
type word. See Datatype Matches below.
Datatype Word
matches any quoted string
matches any time
matches any date
matches any tuple
NOTE: Don't forget the "!" that is part of the name or an error
will be generated.
9.3 Characters Not Allowed
The parse operations allowed for blocks are those that deal
with specific characters. For instance, a match cannot be specified to the first
letter of a word or string, nor to spacing or newline characters.
9.4 Dialect Examples
A few concise examples help illustrate the parsing of blocks:
block: [when 10:30]
print parse block ['when 10:30]
print parse block ['when time!]
parse block ['when set time time! (print time)]
Notice that a specific word can be matched by using its literal word in the
rule (as in the case of 'when ). A datatype can be specified rather
than a value, as in the lines above containing time!. In
addition, a variable can be set to a value with the set
As with strings, alternate rules can be specified when parsing blocks:
rule: [some [
'when set time time! |
'where set place string! |
'who set persons [word! | block!]
These rules allow information to be entered in any order:
parse [
who Fred
where "Downtown Center"
when 9:30
] rule
print [time place persons]
This example could have used variable assignment, but it illustrates how to
provide alternate input ordering.
Here's another example that evaluates the results of the parse:
rule: [
set count integer!
set str string!
(loop count [print str])
parse [3 "great job"] rule
parse [3 "hut" 1 "hike"] [some rule]
Finally, here is a more advanced example:
rule: [
set action ['buy | 'sell]
set number integer!
'shares 'at
set price money!
(either action = 'sell [
print ["income" price * number]
total: total + (price * number)
print ["cost" price * number]
total: total - (price * number)
total: 0
parse [sell 100 shares at $123.45] rule
print ["total:" total]
total: 0
parse [
sell 300 shares at $89.08
buy 100 shares at $120.45
sell 400 shares at $270.89
] [some rule]
print ["total:" total]
It should be noted that this is one way how expressions that use the
dialect concept first described in Chapter 4 can be evaluated.
9.5 Parsing Sub-blocks
When parsing a block, if a sub-block is found, it is treated as a single
value that is of the block! datatype. However, to parse a
sub-block, you must invoke the parser recursively on the sub-block. The
into word provides this capability. It expects that the next
value in the input block is a sub-block to be parsed. This is as if a
block! datatype had been provided. If the next value is not a
block! datatype, the match fails and into
looks for alternates or exits the rule. If the next value is a block, the parser
rule that follows the into word is used to begin parsing the
sub-block. It is processed in the same way as a sub-rule.
rule: [date! into [string! time!]]
data: [10-Jan-2000 ["Ukiah" 10:30]]
print parse data rule
All of the normal parser operations can be applied to into.
rule: [
set date date!
set info into [string! time!]]
data: [10-Jan-2000 ["Ukiah" 10:30]]
print parse data rule
print info
rule: [date! copy items 2 into [string! time!]]
data: [10-Jan-2000 ["Ukiah" 10:30] ["Rome" 2:45]]
print parse data rule
probe items
10. Summary of Parse Operations
10.1 General Forms
alternate rule
evaluate a REBOL expression
10.2 Specifying Quantity
match nothing
zero or one time
one or more times
zero or more times
repeat pattern 12 times
1 12
repeat pattern 1 to 12 times
0 12
repeat pattern 0 to 12 times
10.3 Skipping Values
skip a value (or multiple if repeat given)
advance input to a value or datatype
advance input thru a value or datatype
10.4 Getting Values
set the next value to a variable
copy the next match sequence to a variable
10.5 Using Words
look-up value of a word
mark the current input series position
set the current input series position
matches the word literally (parse block)
10.6 Value Matches (block parsing only)
matches the string "fred"
matches the file name %data
matches the time 10:30
matches the tuple 1.2.3
10.7 Datatype Words
matches anything of a given datatype