REBOL Document

Alter - Function Summary


If a value is not found in a series, append it; otherwise, remove it.


alter series value


series - The series argument. (must be: series port)

value - The value argument.


The ALTER function is a type of data set operation. It either adds or removes a value depending on whether the value is already included. The word ALTER is short for the word "alternate".

For example, let's say you want to keep track of a few options used by your code. The options may be: FLOUR, SUGAR, SALT, and PEPPER. The following code will create a new block (to hold the data set) and add to it:

    options: copy []
    alter options 'SALT
    probe options

    alter options 'SUGAR
    probe options

You can use functions like FIND to test the presence of an option in the set:

    if find options 'SALT [print "Salt was found"]
    Salt was found

If you use ALTER a second time for the same option word, it will be removed:

    alter options 'SALT
    probe options

Normally ALTER values are symbolic words (such as those shown above) but any datatype can be used such as integers, strings, etc.

    alter options 120
    alter options "test"
    probe options
    [SUGAR 120 "test"]


difference - Return the difference of two data sets.
exclude - Return the first set less the second set.
find - Finds a value in a series and returns the series at the start of it.
intersect - Create a new value that is the intersection of the two arguments.
remove - Removes value(s) from a series and returns after the remove.
unique - Returns a set with duplicate values removed.

User Comments:

-From: 7-Dec-2000/2:41:57-8:00:

NOTE: it returns the head of the list when the value is appended, but returns the position after the removal if the value is removed.

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