REBOL Document

Bind - Function Summary


Binds words to a specified context.


bind words known-word


words - A block of words or single word. (must be: block any-word)

known-word - A reference to the target context. (must be: any-word object port)


/copy - Deep copies block before binding it.


Binds meaning to words in a block. That is, it gives words a context in which they can be interpreted. This allows blocks to be exchanged between different contexts, which permits their words to be understood. For instance a function may want to treat words in a global database as being local to that function.

The second argument to BIND is a word from the context in which the block is to be bound. Normally, this is a word from the local context (e.g. one of the function arguments), but it can be a word from any context within the system.

BIND will modify the block it is given. To avoid that, use the /COPY refinement. It will create a new block that is returned as the result.

    words: [a b c]
    fun: func [a b c][print bind words 'a]
    fun 1 2 3
    fun "hi" "there" "fred"
    1 2 3
    hi there fred

    words: [a b c]
    object: make object! [
        a: 1
        b: 2
        c: 3
        prove: func [] [print bind words 'a]
    1 2 3

    settings: [start + duration]
    schedule: function [start] [duration] [
        duration: 1:00
        do bind settings 'start
    print schedule 10:30


do - Evaluates a block, file, URL, function, word, or any other value.
does - A shortcut to define a function that has no arguments or locals.
func - Defines a user function with given spec and body.
function - Defines a user function with local words.
make - Constructs and returns a new value.
use - Defines words local to a block.

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