REBOL Document

Clear - Function Summary


Removes all values from the current index to the tail. Returns at tail.


clear series


series - The series argument. (must be: series port bitset none)


CLEAR is similar to REMOVE but removes through the end of the series rather than just a single value.

    str: copy "with all things considered"
    clear skip str 8
    print str
    with all

    str: copy "get there quickly"
    clear find str "qui"
    print str
    get there


append - Appends a value to the tail of a series and returns the series head.
change - Changes a value in a series and returns the series after the change.
insert - Inserts a value into a series and returns the series after the insert.
remove - Removes value(s) from a series and returns after the remove.
sort - Sorts a series.

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