REBOL Document

Detab - Function Summary


Converts tabs in a string to spaces. (tab size 4)


detab string


string - The string argument. (must be: any-string)


/size - Specifies the number of spaces per tab.

number - The number argument. (must be: integer)


The REBOL language default tab size is four spaces. Use the /SIZE refinement for other sizes such as eight. DETAB will remove tabs from the entire string even beyond the first non-space character.

The series passed to this function is modified as a result.

    text: " lots    of  tabs    here"
    print detab copy text
     lots    of  tabs    here

    print detab/size text 8
     lots    of  tabs    here


entab - Converts spaces in a string to tabs. (tab size 4)

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