A script is a file that holds a block that can be loaded and
evaluated. The block can contain code or data, and typically
contains a number of sub-blocks.
Scripts require a header to identify the presence of code. The
header can include the script title, date, and other
information. In the following example of a script, the first
block contains the header information:
Title: "Web Page Change Detector"
File: %webcheck.r
Author: "Reburu"
Date: 20-May-1999
Purpose: {
Determine if a web page has changed since it was
last checked, and if it has, send the new page
via email.
Category: [web email file net 2]
page: read http://www.rebol.com
page-sum: checksum page
if any [
not exists? %page-sum.r
page-sum <> (load %page-sum.r)
print ["Page Changed" now]
save %page-sum.r page-sum
send luke@rebol.com page