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REBOL 3 Document Editing and Notations

How to edit these wiki pages.



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Quick summary

Markup notations

The WIP system uses the MakeDoc "markdown" style (one of the original minimal-markup methods created for rapid web-page creation.)

Generally, you use blank lines as separators, followed by either paragraphs of content or special command lines.

The command lines normally begin with an equal sign "=", but for convenience, some special markups use other characters (such as "*" for bullets and "#" for enumerated lists.)


Notation What Details
Main heading Top level heading.
Sub-heading Second level heading.
Subsection heading Third level heading. Use only when necessary.

Special sections

Notation What Details
Bullet item. Displays a line of a bullet list. You can use more stars for deeper levels. See below.
Numbered item. Displays a line of a numbered list. You can use ## and ### for deeper levels.
:name - text description
Definition. Displays a word followed by a description (indented).
(indented text)
Code example. Displays a code example in a box with fixed-width font.
= output
Code result. Displays console output in a box with fixed-width font.

Inline notations

Within the text of a paragraph, a special notation let's you easily make links to other sections of the document. A single character followed by a colon (:) and the page name is normally all you need to create a link with the proper visual style.

Notation What Details
Concept reference. Creates a link to the given concept chapter, with its current title.
Guide reference. Creates a link to the given user-guide section, with its current title.
Function reference. Highlights a function name; links to function description.
Function refinement. Highlights a function refinement word.
Datatype reference. Highlights a datatype name; links to datatype description.
Error reference Links to the related error by name.
System object reference. Highlights a path (and will eventually link to) a system variable.
Word in text. Highlights a word in text that is not function, datatype, or other important thing.
Value reference Highlights a value in the text.
:[page.html text link]
Hypertext link. Links to the specified page using the text provided.

Special commands

Command What Details
R3 updated. Put this tag just below the page title to indicate that the page has been updated to reflect REBOL 3.0. It will also remove the R2 note box (if present).
Note box. Starts a note box. Title of note can be on same line. Follow it with paragraphs that are in the note. End it with =/note command.
Code line. A single code line with reduced borders. Used often in tables (such as this one.)
Bolded line. Begins bold for a line. Necessary because star is also used for bullets.
Editor note. Displays an editor note. Used mainly for notes about progress or content still needed. If no text is provided, will display a default note saying that more editing is needed.
Start a table. Starts a new table. Each cell of table follows, separated by a blank line. New rows begin with =row command. Table ends with =/table command.


Section title

The above "Examples" heading was written like this:



Each paragraph can be wrapped or not wrapped, because
all paragraphs are separated with blank lines.

So this is the next paragraph. This method makes it
easier to deal with markup text from command shells
and other environments where line wrapping is problematic.

Code examples:

You simply indent the text. It gives you a box like this
and uses a fixed space font to provide proper blocking.
In addition the < and > chars are escaped so you don't
need to worry about them becoming tags.

To show code output, you can use a = followed by indentation. The result is:

print "example output"
example output

Doc links, word markup

Very easy. Just use the file name for the page, the link and title will be generated automatically

Link to the f:append function.

Link to the c:series concept.

Link to a d:datatype section.

Reference to a w:word

Reference to a v:value

Link to the append function.

Link to the series concept.

Link to a datatype! section.

Reference to a word

Reference to a value

Bullet list

*This is bullet one
*This is bullet two
**This is a sub-bullet
**This is another sub-bullet
  • This is bullet one
  • This is bullet two
    • This is a sub-bullet
    • This is another sub-bullet

Numbered lists

#Item one
#Item two
##Item two, sub one
##Item two, sub two
  1. Item one
  2. Item two
    1. Item two, sub one
    2. Item two, sub two


To create bold text:

Here is some *bold text*!

Here is some bold text!

To create a bold line or paragraph, you must use a special notation to distinguish it from a bullet:

=*This is a bold line!*

This is a bold line!

For editor "in-progress" notes:

=!Special message from editor

Editor note: Special message from editor

To create a special note box:

=note Special note

Contents of the note go here. It can be any
kind of text or markup.

Special note

Contents of the note go here. It can be any kind of text or markup.

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