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REBOL 3 Usage: Installing REBOL

REBOL installation takes only a few seconds and is very easy, non-intrusive, and non-disruptive.

For REBOL/Core the only installation procedure is to uncompress the distribution files and store them in any directory on your system.

For other REBOL products, installation may require you to provide additional information, such as where to store related files. Refer to the release notes that are included with the distribution files.


Distribution Files

REBOL/Core includes these primary distribution files:

rebol (.exe)An executable program that starts the REBOL console.
rebol.rA system bootstrap file. (Not required to run REBOL.)
setup.htmlInformation about set-up and installation.
changes.htmlChanges found in recent releases.
license.txtREBOL license agreement.

Other files may be provided, depending on the REBOL product and version.

Home Environment Variable

Although it is not required, if your operating system sets the HOME environment variable, REBOL will use it to locate its startup files. On many operating systems such as UNIX or Linux, the HOME variable may be set by default already. (So you do not need to set it yourself).

Network Setup

The first time you start REBOL, it prompts you for network information. This information is optional. Some protocols, such as email or FTP, require an email address or an email server name. In addition, if you are behind a firewall or use a proxy server, you need to provide specific information to access the Internet.

To set up your network:

  1. Type your email address. For example,
  2. Type the name of your email server. For example: Use the name of the email server you normally use. If you are not sure of the name of the server, contact your network administrator or Internet service provider for the name of your SMTP (email) server.
  3. Specify whether you use a proxy server. If you are directly connected to the Internet with a modem or ethernet, type N (no). If you use a proxy or firewall, provide the required information as described in [bad-link:concepts/proxy.txt] and Firewall Settings below.

Once the startup questions are answered, REBOL creates a user.''r file and places your network settings in it. You can change these settings at any time by editing the user.''r file.

Proxy and Firewall Settings

Frequently, organizations use a firewall or proxy server to protect access to and from the Internet. Before REBOL can access the Internet through these systems, you need to provide some additional information.

To provide proxy server information:

  1. When REBOL asks if you use a proxy server, answer by typing Y (yes).
  2. Type the name of your proxy host. This is the computer or firewall on your network serving as a proxy.
  3. Type the port number used by the proxy host for proxy requests. Typically, this is port 1080, but this can vary. If you don't know the port number, check your Web browser settings or ask your network administrator.

REBOL defaults to using a SOCKS proxy protocol. You can specify some other type of proxy by editing the user.''r file and supplying the [bad-link:functions/set-net.txt] function with the appropriate identification for the type of proxy being used. The following settings are supported:

socks   - use the latest SOCKS version (5)
socks5  - use socks5 proxy
socks4  - use socks4 proxy
generic - use generic CERN proxy
none    - use no proxy

These settings are provided as the sixth argument to the [bad-link:functions/set-net.txt] function called in the user.''r file. For more information about modifying the proxy settings in the user.r file, refer to the [bad-link:concepts/network.txt] Protocols Chapter.

License Agreement

The REBOL end-user license agreement that you agreed to when you downloaded or installed REBOL can be viewed at any time from the REBOL console by typing license at the REBOL prompt.

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