Reblets - Enterprise Applets
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The basic ideas:
- Reblets are REBOL applets.
They are tiny X Internet applications that run on REBOL IOS and do one thing very well. More than 40 standard reblets will be available for IOS. Many are listed below. - Reblets are extremely small and agile (2-50KB).
Their small size allows them to be easily modified, customized, branded, expanded, or combined with other reblets. If you don't find exactly the reblet you need, chances are good that it can be created in a few days. - Reblets run on both the server and client.
Reblets are distributed applications, running from REBOL code on a server to the GUI on the client, but they also work offline!
See also Simple Demo Gallery for more screenshots.
Desktop - Shared Files and Apps

Provides secure, synchronized file and application sharing. It is intuitive and easy to use, because it works like a web page or file folder.
Share your files with other users, or access your own files from home or on the road. Files are replicated to your local disk, giving you fast access, even when you are not on-line.
Because it runs across Windows, Linux, Unix, and most other systems, your entire organization benefits.
Applications can be remotely updated, so users are always current. Folder and file permissions can be controlled by a single authority or collaboratively by groups of users. And, VARs and OEMs can "skin" the desktop, modifying it to suit specific client or customer needs, including custom branding.
Who - User Presence Monitor

Monitors the status and activity of users. Shows who is currently on-line and for how long. Activity indicator tells you if the user has moved the mouse or typed something recently.
User location is indicated, such as "office", "home", "customer site", "machine room", etc. even if the same user is on multiple machines, and a variety of status buttons include: "here now", "back soon", "at meeting", "at lunch", etc.
Clicking on a name shows full info and provides shortcut to sending messages or email.
Alerts - User Notification

Displays urgent messages on the screen. This application is designed to get a user's attention when critical messages must be seen. For example, it is used to inform users of system or announce an urgent events.
Private alerts are also supported. When directed at a single user, an Alert can instruct the user to join the conference or other collaborative applications where people are waiting.
Messages can be reviewed while offline and the application keeps a history of prior messages.
Messenger - Secure Instant Messaging

Secure instant messaging that is truly useful for businesses and organizations. All communications is fully encrypted for security. Send private or group messages with an easy-to-use conversational style that even a CEO can appreciate. Totally free from distracting junkmail and spam found on email.
Messages are stored, so you don't need to be on-line when they were sent or to send your reply. Perfect for multinational organizations.
Thanks to IOS user management, all names are present the first time you run it and they update to show you who is on-line and whether you have new messages. Optional settings allow pop-up on new messages and provide a notification sound, even if the reblet is not running.
Conference - Online Group Discussions

An instant, secure, and reliable communication channel that connects you directly to your partners, employees, or members. Totally free from spam, junkmail, and other "noise". All messages use encrypted transfer for security.
Messages are persistent. You don't need to be on-line when they were sent, and you can review them later when offline. Works well for organizations distributed over multiple time zones.
Calendar - Shared Calendar

Makes it easy to coordinate time events with others members of your team.
Just click on a day to see its details and add new appointments. Choose from a variety of event types such as meeting, note, holiday, urgent. You can specify repeating events such as "every tuesday at 10AM" and "third day of each month". All-day events stand out in black.
Calendar preferences allow you specify the first day of the week (e.g. Sunday or Monday) and the number of days to display (such as showing only 5 weekdays).
Survey - Polling, Rating, and Voting

Allows you to quickly poll other IOS users and view the results in real time.
Survey answers can be true/false, multiple choice, sliding scale (for example, "rate this item from 1 to 5"), check all that apply, and numerical, graphical, and textual inputs. Users can provide optional feedback on answers, allowing them to make suggestions or indicate problems with questions.
Survey supports options to enforce a single response per user or to allow users to change their responses later. Surveys can be reused for periodic polling, for instance, a monthly sales status poll.
Survey results are tallied in real-time and are displayed as pie charts or bar charts. Voting option allows automatic passage based on a percentage of responses.
Contacts - Shared Contact Database

The easiest way to share contact information within your organization, or even with yourself while you are at home or on the road. Unlike the web, this reblets works even when you are off-line.
Contacts are automatically shared, and contacts can be tagged with custom identification tags for "customers", "friends", "suppliers", etc. Very easy to use, incremental search, and provides one-click web site linking and email sending.
Taskmaster - Collaborative Task Lists

Collaborative entry and tracking of current projects and their related tasks with quick summary display. Includes projects list and tasks per project.
Updates in real-time. Select one or more people or resources responsible for task. Choose task status (pending, waiting, active, or done) and set one of ten task priority levels.
Sales - Sales Manager

A custom reblet created for handling our own product sales. Makes sales staff more productive and allows multiple sales people to coordinate their efforts from anywhere in the world. Secure and always accessible, even when staff is on the road or at home, or even when off-line! Much quicker than using web-page sales force services, and all data transfers are encrypted.
Tracks sales lead status, rank, priority, classification, product types, and account reps. Keeps a log of all activities and notes. Timestamps changes. Built-in actions send automated form-letter email, create and terminate accounts, and extract data from on-line web survey forms. Sorts sales list by newest, highest priority, name, company name, ranking, status, and more.
Plot - Interactive Charts and Tables

Allows interactive viewing of dynamically generated plots and charts. Provides a range of plotting functions such as line plots, scatter plots, bar charts, histograms, and tables.
Allows instant drill down by clicking on data areas within charts. Multiple plots, charts, and tables can be shown in a single window. Chart characteristics are easy to specify as a text file.
Note: This reblet is provided as a special package for technically enabled customers. It does require a small amount of programming to interface it to your data sources, such as Oracle, ODBC, and MySQL.
Shared Clipboard - Quick Text Clips

A handy way to quickly share text. This application lets you use your normal cut, copy, and paste commands to provide information instantly to other users.
With MS Word for example, if you copy a paragraph, you will see it appear in the left pane of this clipboard. Press the publish button, and other users can now import that text into their MS Word or any other application. It's that simple!
Presenter - Remote Presentations

Remote presentations made easy. Slide timing is controlled by the user who is presenting. Viewers can browse prior slides or add notes to slides while the presentation is being given.
Time indicator provides pacing feedback. Slides are easy to create in the same way as other popular presentation programs, but there is the extra advantage that they can be viewed on all platforms supported by IOS.
Dictionary - Word Reference Browser

Another custom application that we created to allow developers to easily browse through the REBOL reference information. Because the dictionary information is automatically replicated on the local system, user response time is greatly improved.
The user can select reference categories to divide the dictionary into subsections for faster browsing. Developers can add their own comments and suggestions for others to see, and an expert can fold them back into the primary dictionary text as necessary. The reference database is a standard REBOL-based text file, so can be easily edited, updated, or corrected.
User-Admin - User Administration

Provides a simple way to create, modify, and terminate user accounts. Provides control over user access permissions and group association.
Note that this reblet provides just one of several ways to manage user accounts. Accounts can also be created from other applications and databases.
Find File - Search Local Files

Search files in the local sandbox for matching filenames or contents.
Info - IOS Express Status

Shows the status of IOS Express, including versions, quantity of files being synchronized, and number of server transactions.
History - File Update Info

Displays a list of files have been updated. Files updated today are shown in red.
Modified? - Local File Changes

Displays a list of files that have been modified locally but not published to other users.
Upfile - Upload File

An administrator's tool for upload files to specific filesets (outside the normal realm of the IOS desktop), including system files and hidden files.
Agenda - Online Meetings
An electronic meeting coordinator. Enables effective meetings where group members are participating from remote locations either on-line or over the phone.
Allows users to share a single agenda that is updated in real-time to indicate the current topic, notes, old business, new business, future business, action items, tabled items, and more. Allows interactive note-taking and minutes.
Toolbar - Quick Links
A small toolbar that can be substituted for the desktop. Minimizes the amount of screen space used for IOS by only showing the icons of desired reblets, links, or files. Has both expanded and collapsed display modes. Toolbar can be totally customized by VARs and OEMs.
Journal - Tracking Your Time
An easy means of tracking task time when billing by the hour or for keeping a precise diary or log of activities. Easy and convenient to switch tasks. Timeout confirmation to ensure accuracy. User can estimate duration in advance. Notes can be provided for each period.
Produces per-job summary time reports that can be viewed in real time by management.
Whiteboard - Shared Diagrams
Create, collaborate, and share block diagrams to express your concepts in real time. Use along with on-line or phone conferences. Easy to create and manipulate graphical objects. Predefined library of useful elements can be expanded in real time by users. Current whiteboard can be snapshotted and restored at any time.