REBOL Support
Community news, forums, support, programs:
If you're a new user looking for answers or an expert programmer who knows all the answers check out Rebol Community.
Rebol sitemap:
If you can't find what you're looking for, see the Rebol Sitemap. However, there are exceptions. Rebol generates its own web pages and different scripts are used. Not all of them will appear in the sitemap. (For example, the Rebol dictionary is not in the sitemap.)
Searching the web:
The various Rebol websites are not well-indexed by many search engines including Google. There's an effort underway to fix that problem.
Here's how to contact Carl directly:
- Send an email to
- Anywhere within the text of the email include this text: cs2024 (That will prevent it from being automatically deleted.)
- It may take a few days before I see the email and get back to you.
Thank you for your interest in Rebol!