REBOL [ Title: "The REB" Author: "Carl Sassenrath" Date: 9-Aug-2000 Version: 1.12.1 File: %demo41.r Rights: "Copyright 2000 REBOL" ] current-version: 0.9.9 public: system/options/home/public site: web-site: img: load-thru site/view/ukiah.jpg dl-file: join %view/rebol [ current-version/2 either current-version/3 > 1 ["0"][""] current-version/3 either system/version/4 > 1 ["0"][""] system/version/4 system/version/5 either system/version/4 = 3 [".exe"][""] ] main-styles: stylize [ smoke image [image: none color: none effect: [multiply 80]] gray-glass image [image: none color: none effect: [gradmul 0x1 60.60.60 128.128.128]] italic text [font: [style: 'italic]] btn button [size: 140x26 image: img effect: [crop 0x200 140x24 colorize 50.150.50]] t16 text [font: [size: 16 style: 'bold]] t10 text [font: [size: 10]] hdr image [font: [size: 16 align: 'center color: 255.255.100 style: 'bold] image: none color: none effect: [colorize 100.40.20]] bi image [set 'edge make face/edge [size: 3x3 color: 80.80.80 effect: 'bevel]] backflip backdrop [effect: [flip 1x0]] ----- image [size: 400x5 effect: [gradient 1x0 200.0.0 0.0.0]] ] next-site: none new-view: none err-msg: "" serv-err: "Service not available" notify: func [msg err-face] [append clear err-msg msg show err-face] uv: func [pane] [ clear err-msg if new-view [unview/only new-view] new-view: view/new/offset pane reb-menu/offset + (reb-menu/size + 6 * 1x0) ] write-dir: func [path data /local dir file] [ set [dir file] split-path path if not exists? public/:dir [make-dir public/:dir] write/binary public/:path data ] download: func [file err-face] [ notify join "Downloading " file err-face either error? try [write-dir file read/binary site/:file][ notify join "Error downloading " file err-face return false ][ notify join "Download complete. Look in " public err-face return true ] ] downdoc: func [file] [download file doc-mon] downrip: func [file err] [ if download file err [ change-dir public do file ] ] download-rebol: func [err /local] [ download dl-file err ;[notify join "Saved: " public/:dl-file err true] ] reb-menu: layout [ size 180x480 styles main-styles backtile img blue hdr "REB Services" 140x40 t10 (join "Updated " system/script/header/date/date) 140x20 center t16 bold 255.185.85 140x20 (either current-version > system/version ["Get Beta 4.1!"][""]) [uv reb-stat] center pad 10 btn "Introduction" [uv reb-intro] btn "Sites and Demos" [uv reb-demos] btn "Update Status" [uv reb-stat] ; btn "About Beta 4.1" [uv reb-install] btn "Documentation" [uv reb-docs] btn "Quit" [quit] at 20x380 bi img 140x80 [browse web-site] at 20x440 t10 "Visit WWW.REBOL.COM" 140x20 [browse web-site] center ] reb-intro: layout [ styles main-styles size 480x480 backflip img gray-glass 440x440 origin 26x26 title "Welcome to the World Wide REB..." ----- text {... We joke around calling it that. Certainly, REBOL won't replace the web, but we do think it adds a whole new dimension to it. REBOL/View shares some of the same principles as the web, namely that simple content should be simple to create. REBOL extends that to include the idea that simple interactivity should also be simple to create.} text {This REB site contains all of the latest documents and examples for REBOL/View. In addition we'll be adding a directory of other REB sites that have useful content. Please visit often to look for new information and scripts.} indent 20 italic {-Carl Sassenrath, REBOL at Large} ] reb-install: layout [ styles main-styles size 480x480 backflip img gray-glass 440x440 origin 26x26 title "Installing REBOL/View" ----- text (reform [{To install, simply execute the REBOL program that just downloaded as} system/options/home/public/:dl-file]) pad 20 title "About Beta 4.1" ----- text {Near final face definitions, styles, and layout. See changes document for more information. } text "--- The REBOL Team" ] reb-stat: layout [ styles main-styles size 480x480 backflip img gray-glass 440x440 origin 26x26 title "REBOL/View Status" ----- t16 (join "The current release is " current-version) t16 (join "You are running version " [system/version/1 "." system/version/2 "." system/version/3]) t16 red (either current-version > system/version ["Your copy is out of date."][""]) pad 20 t16 (reform ["This REBOL is dated" system/build/date]) t16 (reform ["This script is dated " system/script/header/date/date]) ; t16 (date: modified? system/options/home/rebol.exe ; reform ["REBOL installed on" date/date]) t16 (reform ["The current date is" now/date]) pad 20 btn "Download New REBOL" [if download-rebol dl-mon [wait 3 uv reb-install]] at 26x440 dl-mon: text bold err-msg 240.40.40 500x60 ] d1: [downdoc %view/changes-view-b41.txt] d2: [downdoc %view/.html] d3: [downrip %view/ doc-mon] d4: [downdoc %view/cidtutorial.html] browsedoc: func [file] [browse web-site/:file] reb-docs: layout [ size 480x480 styles main-styles backflip img gray-glass 440x440 origin 26x26 title "Browse Documents:" ----- t16 "REBOL Networking - New!" [browsedoc %docs/network.html] t16 "REBOL/View User's Guide (Prelim)" [browsedoc %view/docs/view-users.html] t16 "REBOL/View Beta 4.1 Changes" [browsedoc %view/changes-view-b41.txt] t16 "REBOL/Core User's Guide" [browsedoc %users.html] t16 "REBOL/Core Word Dictionary" [browsedoc %dictionary.html] title "Download Documents:" ----- ; t16 red "Documentation for Beta 4.1 is not ready." t16 "REBOL/View Beta 4.1 Changes" d1 t16 "REBOL/Core Word Database (reboldoc.r)" [downdoc %reboldoc.r] title "Download Scripts:" ----- t16 "Entire Script Library (200+ scripts, 150KB)" [downrip %library/ demo-mon] at 26x440 doc-mon: text bold err-msg 240.40.40 500x60 ][ t16 "REBOL/View Release Notes" d2 t16 "REBOL/View User's Guide" d3 t16 "Creating Content in REBOL/View" d4 t16 "Get all docs and view release notes" [ foreach blk [d1 d2 d3 d4] [do blk] browse public/view/notes.html ] ] rebsites: [ "REBOL Forces (Many scripts)" "FX5 (Home of REBtris Game)" "Isle of Arran" "REBOL Big Guns" "Gels Demo" "Pile of Buttons Demo" "REBOL Credits" "Simple Layout Editor" "Minesweeper Game" "FX5 direct" ][ "REBOL Forces" "FX5" "Isle of Arran" "REBOL Big Guns" "Gels Demo" "Pile of Buttons Demo" "REBOL Credits" "Simple Layout Editor" ][ "REBOL Forces" "FX5" ] snum: 0 reb-demos: layout [ size 480x480 styles main-styles backflip img gray-glass 440x440 origin 26x26 title "REB Site and Demo Directory" ----- across vx: list 300x300 [ rs1: text 300x20 font [size: 12 style: 'bold color: black shadow: none] [ unview/only new-view inform layout [origin 40x40 backdrop img text bold rejoin [ "Connecting to " rs1/text "..."]] either vsrc/state [ hide-popup t1/text: page: read f1/text: select rebsites rs1/text ttsize: size-text t1 uv src-ed ][ if error? try [ either ".r" == back back tail rs1/text [ page: read select rebsites rs1/text hide-popup do page ][ hide-popup do select rebsites rs1/text ] ][ demo-mon/text: reform ["Cannot connect to:" rs1/text] uv reb-demos ] ] ] ] supply [ count: count + snum face/text: either count * 2 > length? rebsites [""][ pick rebsites count * 2 - 1 ] ] vv: slider 16x300 to-integer vx/size/y / rs1/size/y [snum: vv/data - 1 show vx] return vsrc: check text "View Source First" return button "Add New Site or Demo" 180x24 [inform submit-new-site] with [rate: 4 effects: [[gradient 0x1 0.0.0 0.0.200] [gradient 0x1 0.0.200 0.0.0]]] text "(Added Immediately)" return demo-mon: text bold err-msg 240.40.40 480x40 ] submit-new-site: layout [ style txt text 100x24 right style fld field 320x24 backdrop effect [gradient 0x1 0.0.0 0.0.100] title "Enter Your REB Site Information:" font [size: 16] across pad 0x20 txt "Site name:" n: fld return txt "Site URL:" u: fld "http://" return txt "Contact email:" e: fld return pad 110x10 button "Submit" [ either all [ err: "empty site name field" not empty? n/text err: "invalid site URL" u/text <> "http://" not error? try [url: load u/text] url? url err: "invalid email address" not error? try [t: load e/text] email? t err: "cannot connect" not error? try [ replace n/text " " "%20" r: read join [ "name=" n/text "&site=" u/text "&email=" e/text ] ] append rebsites n/text append rebsites url 'none = err: load r ][ demo-mon/text: "Updated." clear err-face/text show err-face hide-popup show [demo-mon vx] ][ err-face/text: reform ["Error: " err " Try again."] show err-face ] ] button "Clear" [ clear n/text append clear u/text "http://" clear e/text clear err-face/text system/view/caret: none system/view/focal-face: none show [n u e err-face] ] button "Cancel" [hide-popup] return pad 110x0 err-face: text bold red 330x24 ] src-ed: layout [ size 660x480 space 6 across pad 0x5 text bold "File:" f1: field 400x24 button "Do" 60x24 [do t1/text] button "Close" 60x24 [uv reb-demos] return h1: space 0 t1: area 600x400 with [ color: 240.240.240 font: [name: font-fixed] feel: make feel [redraw: none] ] para [origin: 4x4] s1: slider 16x400 [ t1/para/origin/y: s1/data - 1 * ttsize/y / -400 + 2 t1/line-list: none show t1 ] at h1 + 0x400 s2: slider 600x16 [ t1/para/origin/x: s2/data - 1 * ttsize/x / -600 + 2 t1/line-list: none show t1 ] ] view/new reb-menu uv reb-demos do-events