REBOL [ Title: "ROAM - REBOL Object Browser" Author: ["Carl Sassenrath" "Gregg Irwin"] Version: 0.1.2 ; Alpha Copyright: "2005 REBOL Technologies" Needs: [1.2.122] History: [ 0.1.2 {Resizing added} Gregg ] ] help-text: { Roam is a very simple object browser for REBOL. It has none of the features of other object browsers, but it is very easy to use. Click on the displayed fields to explore. Click the back arrow to return to the prior object. } values: [] cnt: 0 max-str: 72 std-effect: reduce ['gradient 1x1 ivory mint + 50] path-val: to-path [system] bar-color: 240.240.180 over-count: none over-color: 200.200.255 clip-str: func [str] [ ; Keep string to one line. trim/lines str if (length? str) > max-str [str: append copy/part str max-str "..."] str ] form-val: func [val] [ ; Form a limited string from the value provided. if any-block? :val [return reform ["length:" length? val]] if image? :val [return reform ["size:" val/size]] if any-function? :val [ val: third :val if block? val/1 [val: next val] return clip-str either string? val/1 [copy val/1][mold val] ] if object? :val [val: next first val] clip-str either port? :val [form val][mold :val] ] disect-object: func [obj /local words vals out type n] [ words: first obj vals: next second obj out: copy [] n: 0 foreach word next words [ type: type?/word pick vals 1 n: n + 1 append/only out reduce [ word n form word form type either type <> 'unset! [form-val pick vals 1]['unset] color-type type ] vals: next vals ] out ] disect-block: func [blk /local out type n] [ out: copy [] n: 0 foreach item blk [ type: type?/word :item append/only out reduce [ n: n + 1 n reform ["index:" n] form type either type <> 'unset! [form-val item]['unset] color-type type ] ] out ] disect-func: func [funct /local out type n] [ out: copy [] n: 0 foreach item first :funct [ type: type?/word :item append/only out reduce [ n: n + 1 n reform ["index:" n] form type either type <> 'unset! [form-val item]['unset] color-type type ] ] type: type?/word second :funct append/only out reduce [ 'body n "body" form type form-val second :funct color-type type ] out ] disect: func [val /local ret] [ ret: switch type?/word :val [ block! [disect-block val] object! [disect-object val] function! [disect-func :val] native! [disect-func :val] action! [disect-func :val] op! [disect-func :val] ] either ret [ values: ret true ][ if series? val [show-info/val path-val val none] ] ] color-type: func [type] [ type: find [ none! 120.120.120 logic! integer! decimal! money! char! tuple! date! time! pair! 60.60.60 string! file! url! issue! image! bitset! email! tag! 0.160.0 block! list! hash! paren! struct! 0.160.0 object! port! 0.0.160 native! action! function! op! routine! 200.0.0 datatype! 80.150.200 word! set-word! lit-word! get-word! path! set-path! get-path! lit-path! 200.150.80 ] type either type [first find type tuple!] [160.160.160] ] next-value: func [word][ if either integer? word [ attempt [disect do join path-val word] ][ attempt [disect get in do path-val word] ][ append path-val word update-lst ] ] back-value: does [ if not tail? next path-val [remove back tail path-val] disect do path-val update-lst ] update-lst: does [ tpa/text: form path-val cnt: 0 scr/data: 0 scr/redrag lst-cnt / max 1 length? values show [tpa lst scr] ] sort-values: func[field] [ sort/compare values func [a b] [b/:field > a/:field] show lst ] show-help: does [ inform layout [ backdrop effect std-effect h2 "ROAM Help:" txt 300 help-text txt blue underline bold "Send Feedback" [browse] indent 200 btn-cancel 80 [hide-popup] ] ] show-info: func [path /val data] [ if not val [data: mold do path] view/new layout [ origin 0x0 space 0 txt bold form path area 640x500 data btn-cancel 75 "Close" [unview/only face/parent-face] ] ] out: layout [ origin 0 space 0 across style hdr txt bold white black 20x20 f-top-pnl: panel 640x26 [ across pad 5x2 h2 80 as-is "ROAM 0.1" pad 0x2 txt 502 bottom bold gray "[A very simple REBOL object browser]" f-help: txt "Help" underline blue [show-help] ] effect std-effect return box 40x20 bar-color effect [draw [fill-pen red triangle 25x10 34x4 34x16]] [back-value] tpa: text 560x20 0.0.200 bar-color bold [back-value] f-show: btn 40 "Show" [ either tail? next path-val [alert "Output is too large."][ show-info path-val ] ] return hdr 40 "#" right [sort-values 2] hdr 120 "Name" [sort-values 3] hdr 60 "Type" [sort-values 4] f-val-hdr: hdr 420 "Value or attributes" [sort-values 5] return lst: list 640x400 - 16x0 [ across space 0 style txt base-text font [colors: [0.0.0 0.0.0]] feel [ over: func [face ovr] [ if all [ovr over-count <> face/data][over-count: face/data show lst] ] engage: func [face act evt] [ if all [act = 'down face/user-data][next-value face/user-data/1] ] ] txt 40 right gray txt 120 bold txt 60 bold txt 1024 font [] ] supply [ count: count + cnt face/color: pick [240.240.240 220.230.220] odd? count face/text: "" if not face/user-data: pick values count [exit] if over-count = count [face/color: over-color] face/data: count face/font/color: either index >= 3 [face/user-data/6][0.0.0] face/text: pick face/user-data index + 1 ] do [lst-cnt: to-integer lst/size/y / lst/subface/size/y - 1] scr: scroller 16x400 [ value: to-integer value * max 0 (length? values) - lst-cnt if cnt <> value [cnt: value show lst] ] ] on-resize: does [ f-top-pnl/size/x: out/size/x f-help/offset/x: out/size/x - f-help/size/x - 5 tpa/size/x: out/size/x f-show/offset/x: out/size/x - f-show/size/x f-val-hdr/size/x: out/size/x - f-val-hdr/offset/x lst/size/x: out/size/x - 16 lst/size/y: out/size/y - lst/offset/y scr/offset/x: out/size/x - scr/size/x scr/resize/y out/size/y - scr/offset/y lst-cnt: to-integer lst/size/y / lst/subface/size/y - 1 scr/redrag lst-cnt / max 1 length? values show out ] back-value insert-event-func [ if event/type = 'scroll-line [ n: max 0 (length? values) - lst-cnt cnt: max 0 min n cnt + event/offset/y scr/data: cnt / max 1 n show [scr lst] ] if event/type = 'resize [on-resize] event ] view/options center-face out 'resize ; system object ; native functions ; mezzanine functions ; protocols ; components ; VID styles