Index? - Function Summary
Returns the index number of the current position in the series.
index? series
series - The series argument. (must be: series port)
The index function returns the position within a series. For
example, the first value in a series is an index of one, the
second is an index of two, etc.
str: "with all things considered"
print index? str
1 |
print index? find str "things"
10 |
blk: [264 "Rebol Dr." "Calpella" CA 95418]
print index? find blk 95418
5 |
Use the OFFSET? function when you need the index difference
between two positions in a series.
head - Returns the series at its head. head? - Returns TRUE if a series is at its head. length? - Returns the length of the series from the current position. offset? - Returns the offset between two series positions. pick - Returns the value at the specified position in a series. skip - Returns the series forward or backward from the current position. tail - Returns the series at the position after the last value. tail? - Returns TRUE if a series is at its tail.