REBOL Document

Offset? - Function Summary


Returns the offset between two series positions.


offset? series1 series2


series1 - The series1 argument. (must be: series)

series2 - The series2 argument. (must be: series)


Return the difference of the indexes for two positions within a series.

    str: "abcd"
    p1: next str
    print offset? str p1

    str: "abcd"
    p1: next str
    p2: find str "d"
    print offset? p1 p2


head - Returns the series at its head.
head? - Returns TRUE if a series is at its head.
index? - Returns the index number of the current position in the series.
length? - Returns the length of the series from the current position.
pick - Returns the value at the specified position in a series.
skip - Returns the series forward or backward from the current position.
tail - Returns the series at the position after the last value.
tail? - Returns TRUE if a series is at its tail.

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