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Words are the symbols used by REBOL. A word may or may not be a variable, depending on how it is used. Words are quite often used directly as symbols, rather than variables. It is important to understand the difference.
REBOL does not use keywords -- those specific words that can only be used in one way.
For example, in C code, an if statement may be written:
if (n > 1) n = 0;
The word if is a keyword. You cannot use it in any other way or for any other purpose.
In REBOL, words are symbols defined within dynamically created contexts. There are no restrictions on what words are used or how they are used.
For example, the word if is used several ways here:
if n > 1 [n: 0] words: [if while loop until] help if obj: object [ if: 12 fi: 21 print if ]
So, the context defines the word's value and its usage.
There are a few different formats for words, depending on their intended usage:
Notation | Meaning |
word | Get the natural value of the word. (If the value is a function, evaluate it, otherwise return it.) |
word: | Sets the word (like assignment) to a value. |
:word | Gets the word's value without evaluating it. (Useful for getting the value of a function.) |
'word | Treat word as a value (a word symbol). Does not evaluate it. |
/word | Treat the word as a refinement. Used mainly for optional arguments. |
Action | Type Word | Type Test | Conversion |
Words are composed of alphabetic characters, numbers, and any of the following characters:
? ! . ' + - * & | = _ ~
A word cannot begin with a number, and there are also some restrictions on words that could be interpreted as numbers. For instance, -1 and +1 are numbers, not words.
The end of a word is marked by a space, a newline, or one of the following characters:
[ ] ( ) { } " : ; /
Thus, the square brackets of a block are not part of a word:
The following characters are not allowed in words:
@ # $ % ^ ,
Words can be of any length, but cannot extend past the end of a line.
Sample words are:
Copy print test number? time? date! image-files l'image ++ -- == +- ***** *new-line* left&right left|right
The REBOL language is not case-sensitive. The words following words:
blue Blue BLUE
all refer to the same word. The case of the word is preserved when it is printed.
Words can be reused. The meaning of a word is dependent on its context, so words can be reused in different contexts. You can reuse any word, even predefined REBOL words. For instance, the REBOL word if can be used in your code differently than how it is used by the REBOL interpreter.
The to-word function converts values to the word! datatype.
probe to-word "test"
The to-set-word function converts values to the set-word! datatype.
probe make set-word! "test"
The to-get-word function converts values to the get-word! datatype.
probe to-get-word "test"
The to-lit-word function converts values to the lit-word! datatype.
probe to-lit-word "test"
Use word?, set-word?, get-word?, and lit-word? to test the datatype.
probe word? second [1 two "3"]
if set-word? first [word: 10] [print "it is set"]
it is set
probe get-word? second [pr: :print]
probe lit-word? first ['foo bar]
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